SWANSEA Case studies
Here are some examples of community green space projects in Swansea. For more information on each project, click on the image or project name and their website or Facebook page will open in a new window.
Chaddesley Community Garden is a new project that is working to clear a patch of waste ground and establish a shared orchard for the local community.
Clyne Valley Community Project works with volunteers to maintain good access to the Valley, to protect the natural habitat and promote biodiversity; to explore and uncover the history and heritage of the Valley; and to encourage people to make use of this marvellous resource that is right on our doorstep.
Coeden Fach Community Tree Nursery is a not-for-profit, community-led organisation that specialises in growing native trees using organic methods from locally collected Gower seeds. They also work with a diverse number of community groups and run training courses such as forest gardening and permaculture.
Craigcefnparc Community Garden is a project set up alongside "Friends of Craigcefnparc" to bring the community together in growing plants, vegetables and fruits. and a wildlife area for the children.
Friends of the Ganges is a group of dedicated locals that look after and improve this urban green spaces on the Uplands/Townhill borders, to support recreation, promote biodiversity and bring people together.
Friends of Mayhill Washing Lake and Community Food Garden is a group to help maintain and look after the area around the pond at Nicander Parade & Creidiol Road, and grow food in the community garden nearby.
Graft - a soil based curriculum An edible land and community workshop space at the National Waterfront Museum in Swansea.
Kilvey Community Woodland Volunteers Group provides a variety of task days to improve conservation and public access on the hill. Public events organised by the group include plant identification, foraging and woodland crafts.
Rosehill Quarry Community Park is an urban green space that is managed by a local volunteer group to provide a community resource to support recreation and promote biodiversity.
Seaview Green Space Group are a group of local residents that have taken over an allotment and are using it as a food growth and community green space for the benefit of the local residents.
Vetch Community Garden is a community Vegetable garden created by the residents of the Sandfields in Swansea on the historic ground of the Vetch football field.